90% av all information kommer visuellt
- 3M Corporation fastställde att människan processerar visuellt 60.000 gånger snabbare än text.
Det du har sett har du sett!
- Hjärnforskare från MIT säger att det tar 13 millesekunder att identifiera en bild.
Man kommer ihåg storbildsskyltar!
- Människor spenderar 70 % av sin tid utomhus
- Utomhusreklam är 382% mer effektiv på att öka onlibetrafiken.
Platsen är allt!
- Våra skyltar finns på torg
- Jämte restauranger
- Vid busshålssplatser
Storbildsskärm 4 kvm på Sandwalls plats
This is the screen with the absolute best location in the whole of Borås. In the heart of Borås on Sandwalls place, there is a large area that is divided by walks, park hanging and hanging out in cafes and restaurants in the area. The exposure time is really good for those who walk and incredibly good for everyone who hangs out in the park and those who sit and have a coffee or eat a meal.
2 Storbildskärman 8 kvm på Värnhemstorget
Värnhemstorget is a large open area that is constantly trafficked. The cars flow past and drive straight towards one screen for about 400 meters. Both screens are visible to all cyclists and pedestrians who pass the square.
Storbildsskärm 4 kvm Huskvarna
In collaboration with LEDMEdiaCity! This is the busiest street in the city center. A good flow with car users and pedestrians who shop in the mall next to the screen or who have come to town by bus.
Storbildsskärm centrala 4 kvm Centrala Borås
In collaboration with LEDMEdiaCity! It will not be more central in Borås. A walk through the city means a hit with this big screen. When the city celebrates someone, the exposure becomes excessively good!
Storbildskärm 4 kvm vid A6 center
In collaboration with LEDMEdiaCity! The traffic is the best in the area. People from all over Sweden come to the A6 center.
Storbildsskärm 4 kvm
In collaboration with LEDMEdiaCity! Constant flow of cars and pedestrians along this central street.
2 st 4 kvm storbildsskärmar mitt i stan!
In collaboration with LEDMEdiaCity! This constellation really can not be missed. When you talk in marketing terms, this is what we call unbeatable;)
14 kvm storbildsskärm!
This is unbeatable! On one side there is a 6 sqm large screen that cars travel straight towards for 30 seconds. Just above there is a 4sqm screen that spices up life. Along the long side, there is an 8 sqm large screen that attracts attention! and on the back it sits a 4 sqm large screen. If you want to get cruel exposure, it will not get better than this!
Storbilsskärm i Göteborgs mest centrala del!
You do not need to say much about this screen! it does not get better than this. Kungsportplatsen is the hub for the whole of Gothenburg and right where everyone sees it sits this awesome screen!
Det här kan du förvänta dig av våra digitala storbildsskyltar
Bästa placering!
- Centrala platser Vi väljer bara de bästa ställerna.
- Grymt bra exponeringstid! Exponeringstid är den tid din reklam syns och det har att göra med hur länge kunderna “tvingas” titta på skärmarna.
- Det är öppna platser oftast torg där många människor vistas samtidigt.
- Din reklam blir exponerad på ett upprepande sätt för folk som vistas på platserna eftersom de många gånger sitter och fikar eller äter.
- Det går inte att undvika skärmarna om man befinner sig på platsen.